Conserving Elephant Populations: Not Without Consultation

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  • Conserving Elephant Populations: Not Without Consultation

The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation calls for transparent dialogue between the Global North and South when it comes to conservation, human rights and climate protection, particularly concerning elephant populations.

The savannah elephant – Africa’s symbolic animal – has reclaimed large parts of its original range thanks to rigorous conservation measures. In the transnational Kavango–Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA), in Southern Africa, which is the size of Spain, the animals have been able to multiply rapidly.

However, this is not without problems for people: elephants are increasingly destroying the annual harvests, supplies, seeds for the following year’s harvest, houses and entire villages of a population that lives primarily from subsistence farming. People are injured or killed in encounters.”

Read the full article here.

The above is an excerpt from the CIC’s recent guest article on Open Access Government, which explores the topic of elephants, their conservation and conflicts arising from their existence.

Open Access Government is a digital publication that provides an in-depth perspective on key public policy areas worldwide.

The full article – which focuses on the need for dialogue between the Global North and South on their divergent perspectives as well as the need to develop effective strategies that safeguard both wildlife and human interests – can be found on the Open Access Government website.

This is the third CIC article in a series of five which has been released on this platform. Links to the other articles can be found below:

Mongolia and the One Health Approach

The Human-Elephant Conflict: A call for balanced conservation