International Day for Biodiversity 2024: Be Part of the Plan

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The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was adopted by 188 nations in December 2022 as part of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15), formalising a four year process working towards a global vision of a world living in harmony with nature.

To support the implementation of the Framework, the CBD launched “The Biodiversity Plan” – an awareness campaign to communicate the 4 Goals and 23 Targets of the GBF.

This brings us to the International Day for Biodiversity 2024, which is being held under the theme: “Be Part of the Plan

It is a call to action for all stakeholders to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity by supporting the implementation of The Biodiversity Plan.

Since 2022, the CIC has been actively working to align itself with the GBF, with the 69th General Assembly in Paris among the first international environmental conferences designed to move into implementation of the GBF.

This culminated in the adoption of the 2030 CIC Strategic Plan at this year’s 70th General Assembly in Cascais, which aligns the work of the organisation with the GBF on the road towards the end of this decade also marking the 100th anniversary of the CIC.

How exactly will the CIC be contributing to the GBF and The Biodiversity Plan?

The 2030 Strategic Plan

The 2030 Strategic Plan will support the following 6 of the 23 GBF Targets, all of which address and touch upon facets of the CIC and its extended Network.

  • Target 3: Protect & Conserve 30% of Land by 2030 (“30×30”)
  • Target 4: Halt Species Extinction and Manage Human-Wildlife Conflicts
  • Target 5: Sustainable, Safe and Legal Harvest / Trade of Wild Species
  • Target 6: Reduce Invasive Species by 50%
  • Target 9: Manage Wild Species Sustainably to Benefit People
  • Target 21: Ensure Knowledge Is Available / Accessible to Guide Biodiversity Action

Work and activities related to these Targets will be carried out by addressing four newly identified CIC Global Priorities.

  • Applied Science for Nature-Based Leadership
  • Placing Sustainable Use at the Heart of Policy Change
  • Unify Hunters & IPLCs around Common Heritage of Land & Harvest
  • Inspire Hearts and Minds about Hunter-led Conservation

The full programme of work detailing the implementation of the 2030 Strategic Plan will be developed over the coming months.

This new chapter for the organisation will see the GBF promoted and aligned with a wide variety of existing and new CIC initiatives.

This will be on display as soon as the upcoming CBD COP16 in Colombia (October 21 – November 1, 2024), in relation to which we will be announcing some exciting news later this week!

For an overview of the 2030 Strategic Plan, please see the three-page summary below, or click here to download a copy.