We review the major achievements, engagements, and accomplishments of the CIC in 2024 as well as look forward to upcoming opportunities in 2025.
The past year has underscored the importance of ensuring hunters’ voices are heard in shaping global conservation policies. The CIC has been steadfast in its commitment to representing the interests of hunters across critical international forums. These efforts have translated into significant wins, ongoing advocacy, and renewed engagement in historically impactful platforms.
Key among these achievements was the CIC’s active engagement in the Bern Convention, where it worked to ensure science-based decisions on wolf management, leading to the species’ reclassification from strictly protected to protected. In Europe, wolf populations present unique challenges for rural communities and hunters. By bringing evidence and expertise to the table, the CIC reinforced its role as a trusted advocate for sustainable wildlife management.
In the ongoing fight against trophy import bans, 2024 saw the CIC intensify its efforts in the UK, where legislation remains under discussion. Through evidence-based campaigns and engagement with UK policymakers, the CIC has highlighted the role of hunting revenues in funding the wildlife economy, ensuring that science-based decision-making remains central to these debates. In Belgium, the CIC and SCI Benelux have filed a legal challenge against proposed bans, further demonstrating their commitment to protecting the principles of sustainable use.
2024 also marked a pivotal moment for advocacy in France, where the CIC successfully mobilized sustainable use organizations and brought African voices to the table, showcasing the broader benefits of sustainable hunting. These efforts emphasized the importance of global collaboration in promoting conservation models that work for both wildlife and local communities.
A major highlight of the year was the CIC’s revitalized role in the Ramsar Convention. Originally founded with strong support from hunters, Ramsar has since become dominated by non-hunting conservation groups. The CIC’s return as the only hunting organization with international observer status since 2023 is a testament to its dedication to wetland conservation, a mission deeply connected to preserving habitats for migratory birds—a cause close to the heart of many Spanish hunters.
Looking ahead to 2025, the CIC will continue to amplify hunters’ voices at key international events. The CITES Standing Committee and COP in Samarkand will address crucial issues like wildlife trade and community-based conservation models. The IUCN World Congress presents another major opportunity to highlight sustainable use as a cornerstone of biodiversity management. These platforms ensure that the contributions of Spanish hunters, as stewards of rural traditions and biodiversity, are acknowledged and protected.
As the CIC advances its mission, hunters can take pride in knowing their interests are represented at the highest levels. Through collaboration, advocacy, and a commitment to science-based policy, the CIC ensures that hunting remains integral to global conservation efforts, safeguarding a future where wildlife and hunting traditions coexist harmoniously.
For more information, please contact:
Tristan Breijer FRGS
Senior Communications and Public Affairs Advisor
[email protected]